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Workers. What they are, what to do if there are several devices. Why aren't vorkers displayed?
Workers. What they are, what to do if there are several devices. Why aren't vorkers displayed?

In this article, we deal with the connection, the name of the workers.

Pool Support avatar
Written by Pool Support
Updated over 12 months ago

What is a worker?

A worker is the name of your mining device that you use in conjunction with your account name - "accountname.workername". By "accountname" the pool recognizes that it is a device from your account, and by "workername" it separates the specific ASIC from all your other devices.

We offer you automatic worker name options in your personal account, but you can set the name yourself.

You can have one workername for all devices, but for the convenience of hash rate tracking we recommend that you set a separate workername for each device. This will make it easier for you to distinguish between devices.

Why don't I see any workers?

It takes 5 - 10 minutes for the equipment to update the data. If the wokers are still not displayed within this time, please contact our support team.

What to do if there are several devices?

On the first ASIC specify the pool URL (stratum) and username.worker, and on subsequent ASICs specify the URL and a differentworker, e.g. username.worker1 (username was specified at registration and is included in eachworker's name).

We track your devices through their username.worker in the "worker name" (it also allows you to distinguish your hardware). You can see all your wokers on the dashboard and in a separate "wokers" tab.

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